
Durations: 40 hours

Lectures: 98

Students: Max 5

Level: All Levels

Language: English

Certificate: Yes

Node JS Training Course

A Node JS training course is designed to teach students how to build modern, dynamic web applications using the Node JS library. The course may cover topics such as:


What Will I Learn?

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    Setting up a development environment for Node JS
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    Creating Node components and understanding the component lifecycle
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    Working With Node Package Manager
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    Handling Buffers & Streams
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    Working With Express Framework
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    Making API calls and integrating Callbacks

Course Schedule

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    3 - Months Program
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    5 Sessions a Week
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    1 Hour for Each Session
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    The Next Session Begins Every Monday

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Material Includes

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    Certificate of Completion
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    Access on Mobile & Laptop
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    Aspiring Web Developers
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    Back End Web Developers
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    Interest in Full Stack
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    Anyone Interested in JavaScript Frameworks

Course Content

Module 1 - HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language )
         Introduction To HTML
         HTML Document & Page Structure
         HTML Headings
         HTML Formatting Tags
         Attributes – Href, Src, Width, Height, Alt, Title
         HTML Links
         HTML Images
         Line Break
         Horizontal Rule
         HTML Favicon
         Style Attribute
         Background Color
         Text Color, Fonts & Text Size
         Text Alignment
         HTML List
         Ordered List & Unordered List
         HTML Forms & Elements
         Text Field & Label Elements
         Submit Button
         Check Box & Radio Buttons
         Drop Down
         File Upload
Module 2 - CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets )
         CSS – Introduction & Syntax
         CSS Selectors, ID & Class
         CSS Styling – Inline CSS
         CSS Styling – Internal CSS/External CSS
         Styling Text Styling Fonts
         Styling Text Alignments
         Styling Links Styling Lists
         CSS Border
         CSS Outline
         CSS Margin & Padding Styling Tables
         CSS Positioning – Static, Relative, Fixed
         CSS Floating CSS Directions
         CSS Align
         CSS Navigation Bar
         CSS Image Gallery
         CSS Rounded Corners
         CSS Border Images
         Background Image
         Full-Size Background Image
         Multiple Background
         Multiple – Rainbow Color Gradient
         CSS Animation
         CSS Pagination
Module 3 - JavaScript
         All Operators
         Arrays Methods
         If Else, For Loop, While Loop, Switch Case, Break & Continue Statements
         Arrow Functions, Strict Mode
         Classes, Models, Objects
         JS DOM (Document Object Model)
         AJAX XML HTTP
Module 4 - Introduction to Node.js
         What Is Node.js
         Features Of Node.js
         Where To Fit & Not Fit
         Event-Driven Programming Style
         What Is Asynchronous
Module 5 - Installation / Setup
         Local Environment Setup
        Node.js runtime Node.js Runtime
         Download Source Code
         Installation On OS
Module 6 - Node Package Manager
         Install Module By NPM
        Node.js runtime Global Vs Local Setup
         Update Module
         CRUD Module
Module 7 - Express Framework
         What Is Express
        Node.js runtime Setup Express
         Request & Response
         Handling Routes
         Route Middleware
         Cookies Management
         File Upload
         HTTP Methods
Module 8 - CORS
         What Is CORS & It’s Function
Module 9 - Buffers and Streams
         What Are Buffers & Streams
        Node.js runtime The Benefit Of Streams Over Buffers
         Create / Write / Read Operations On Buffers
         Process On Buffers
         Read / Write Data By Streams
         Chaining Stream
Module 10 - REST API
         RESTful Architecture
        Node.js runtime HTTP URI & Methods
         RESTful Web Services
         Expose Solution As API
         Best Practice For REST API Solution
Module 11 - Callback
         What Is Callback
        Node.js runtime Benefit Of Callback
         Asynchronous Communications
         Block & Non-Blocking
         Standard Callback Pattern
         Async Flow Control Library
         Executing In Parallel
Module 12 - Events
         What Is Events & It’s Types
        Node.js runtime Event Emitter API
         Multiple Event Listeners
         Event Emitter Pattern
         Class Methods & Event Loop
         Blocking Event Loop
         Escaping Event Loop
Module 13 - Connecting with Database
         Introduction Of MySQL
        Node.js runtime Connect With MySQL
         Introduction Of MongoDB
         Connect With MongoDB
         Defining a Schema
         Defining a Model
Module 14 - External Processes and Services
         What Is The Processes
        Node.js runtime Spawning Child Process
         Create & Kill Processes
         Building With HTTP Severs
         HTTP Requests
         Secure HTTP Server
         Using Test Runner
         Using Assertion Testing Module
         Built-in Debugger
         Console Log
         Node Inspector

Node.js Training Course Overview

Node.js is a powerful open-source server-side platform that allows developers to build fast, scalable, and high-performance applications using JavaScript. If you're looking to learn Node.js, there are several training courses available online that can help you get started.

Here's a brief overview of what you can expect to learn in a typical Node.js training course:

Introduction to Node.js: The course will start with an introduction to Node.js, including its history, architecture, and advantages over other server-side technologies.

Node.js fundamentals: You'll learn the basics of Node.js, including how to set up and install it, working with the Node.js file system, using modules and packages, and handling events.

Asynchronous programming: Node.js is known for its ability to handle asynchronous programming effectively. You'll learn how to use callbacks, promises, and async/await to write asynchronous code in Node.js.

Web development with Node.js: You'll learn how to use Node.js to build web applications and APIs, including how to work with popular web frameworks such as Express.js.

Working with databases: You'll learn how to use Node.js to connect to and interact with databases such as MongoDB and MySQL.

Testing and debugging: You'll learn how to test and debug your Node.js applications using popular testing frameworks such as Mocha and Chai.

Deployment and hosting: Finally, you'll learn how to deploy your Node.js application to a production environment and host it on a server.

Overall, a good Node.js training course should provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to build fast, scalable, and high-performance applications using Node.js.

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What is Node.js ?

Node.js is a powerful open-source server-side platform that allows developers to build fast, scalable, and high-performance applications using JavaScript. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and is built on top of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, which is the same engine that powers Google Chrome.

Node.js allows developers to write server-side code using JavaScript, which is a popular language for front-end web development. This means that developers can use a single language (JavaScript) to build both the client-side and server-side components of their web applications, which can make development faster and more efficient.

Node.js is known for its ability to handle asynchronous programming effectively, which allows it to handle large amounts of data and multiple requests simultaneously without blocking the main thread. This makes Node.js well-suited for building real-time web applications such as chat applications, online games, and streaming platforms.

Overall, Node.js is a versatile platform that allows developers to build fast, scalable, and high-performance applications using JavaScript. It has a large and active community of developers and is widely used by companies of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

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Career Growth & Demand of Node.js Developers in India

Node.js is a popular technology in the web development industry and is widely used by companies of all sizes across the world. In India, there is a high demand for Node.js developers, and this demand is expected to grow in the coming years.

Some factors contributing to the demand for Node.js developers in India include:

Increased adoption of JavaScript: JavaScript is a popular programming language for front-end web development, and its adoption has been increasing in recent years. Node.js allows developers to use the same language for both front-end and back-end development, making it a popular choice for web development projects.

Growth in e-commerce and online businesses: With the growth of e-commerce and online businesses in India, there is a high demand for web developers who can build scalable and reliable web applications. Node.js is well-suited for building such applications, which has contributed to the demand for Node.js developers.

Real-time web applications: Real-time web applications such as chat applications, online gaming platforms, and streaming platforms are becoming increasingly popular. Node.js is well-suited for building such applications, which has led to an increase in demand for Node.js developers.

Growing startup ecosystem: India has a thriving startup ecosystem, and many startups are using Node.js to build their web applications due to its speed, scalability, and ease of use.

In terms of career growth, Node.js developers can expect to earn competitive salaries and have a range of career paths available to them, including becoming a full-stack developer, front-end developer, back-end developer, or even a technical lead. Additionally, Node.js developers can also specialize in areas such as microservices, real-time applications, and API development.

Overall, the demand for Node.js developers in India is high and is expected to grow in the coming years, making it a promising career option for aspiring developers.

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